Welcome to Innovations in Reproductive Health Access
A non-profit organization that incubates new advocacy, research and service-provision projects to increase the availability of high-quality reproductive healthcare.

We provide an organizational home, along with logistical support, mentorship and technical assistance for young leaders interested in jump-starting creative projects to spur social change. Innovations prioritizes ideas with tangible outcomes that focus on equity, harm reduction and social justice.
Current projects at Innovations include:
The Period Pills Project
The Period Pills Project expands access to options for fertility control that uphold reproductive freedom and prevent harm from unsafe abortion. Patients can take period pills when their menses are late and they do not want to be pregnant. These pills – either misoprostol alone, or with mifepristone – bring on bleeding and end any (possible) early pregnancies. Taking period pills may also be referred to as menstrual regulation or “bringing down” a period. This option embraces people’s lived experiences of uncertainty when their periods are late, and their desire to ensure non-pregnancy.
Right By You
Right By You is a confidential, anonymous text line offering Missouri youth information and connections to resources related to abortion care, birth care, contraception, parenting and adoption. Right By You volunteers respond with compassion and non-judgment as they help teens navigate Missouri's fraught reproductive healthcare landscape.
If you are interested in learning more about Innovations in Reproductive Health Access, exploring opportunities for project leadership, or donating to our work, please reach out to our board of directors at: admin@periodpills.org
RJ By You
RJ By You is a micro-grant fund to grow reproductive justice activism in Missouri and South Dakota. RJ By You awards up to $2,500 to individuals and activist groups taking action to bring attention to reproductive justice or to create change in their communities. RJ By You prioritizes leaders with ties to rural, LGBTQIA and minority communities.

Centering Community Voices -
A Youth-led Reproductive Justice Project
Centering Community Voices is a youth-led RJ project that brings together five diverse young people from varying regions of the United States to create a reproductive health research study that reflects the values and priorities of their communities The study provides under-represented youth an opportunity to shape their understanding of the relationship between community and individual agency and what culturally competent care that is safe, supportive and affirming looks like. Results from the study will be shared back with young people as well as with healthcare providers and relevant communities.

The Pasque Project
The Pasque Project is a community-based, knowledge-generating project coordinated by youth and interfaith leaders in South Dakota. Pasque Project leaders are working to identify reproductive justice needs and preferences of SD populations that face structural barriers to abortion access, including youth (especially Native youth), immigrants, and rural Dakotans. We will be sharing back the results with our communities, and working to add our communities’ voices to the statewide conversations South Dakotans will be having about overturning the state’s abortion ban in 2024.